About BLC

Barbara Lopes Cardozo, MD, MPH


Dr. Barbara Lopes Cardozo is a medical doctor, a psychiatrist, a scientist, and a licensed acupuncturist. She is fluent in Dutch and English, and speaks basic French and Spanish. 

She holds a Medical Degree from the University of Amsterdam (Netherlands), a Master’s degree in Public Health from Tulane University, a specialization in psychiatry from Louisiana State University, and completed training as an acupuncturist at the University of New England. Her main acupuncture teachers are Kiiko Matsumoto and Dr. Joseph Audette. 

After graduating from medical school, Barbara did year-long rotations in general surgery and in orthopedic surgery.

She is one of the founding members of Doctors without Borders (MSF) – Netherlands, winner of the 1999 Nobel Peace Prize. During a decade at MSF, she carried out dozens of field missions with direct on-the-ground involvement, responding to humanitarian medical emergencies including the earthquake in Armenia (former USSR), the volcano eruption disaster in Armero (Colombia), the cholera epidemic in Peru as well as aid to victims of violent conflict in Somalia, Uganda, Haiti, and Nicaragua, and other crisis situations.

Barbara worked for almost 25 years at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta, where she built CDC’s mental health and psychosocial program in humanitarian emergencies from the ground up. She has worked on mental health programs in war-affected countries among others in Afghanistan, Kosovo, Cambodia, Thailand, Burma, Israel, Jordan, Chechnya, and Sri Lanka.

For about 5 years, Barbara volunteered her clinical psychiatry services at Grady Hospital in Atlanta, and is currently supervising Emory University psychiatry residents at the Clarkston Community health Center.

Throughout her professional career she has also explored complementary medicine techniques.  She received training in Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR), Ericksonian hypnosis, Shiatsu and Reiki, Silva Mind Control Method, and explored Energy Healing.  Barbara has practiced Kyokushinkai Karate (brown belt), Kundalini yoga, Kriya Yoga, Transcendental Meditation, and received Level 1 and 2 teacher training in Qi Gong. She also practices Tai Chi.

Through much of her career she has focused on exploring the mind-body connection, and ways to address issues related to stress and emotional well-being and their connection to physical health.

Barbara is excited to combine all her skills, using acupuncture to help alleviate physical and emotional symptoms connected to stress, such as anxiety, depression, insomnia, PTSD, chronic pain, TMJ, and many other conditions.